Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The baby made me forget.....

I've just noticed something.
I haven't used my "signature" on my last few posts.
I'll be posting my signature now that I noticed my over-sight. Oooops!

"Late" Update

I should have updated yesterday, but I'm a lazy slob! (Only I can say that about myself, thank you!)

Saturday, my mom, sister and I had a "Girl's Day Out". We got two black kittens for my sister. We had Indian cuisine for lunch, went to a pottery workshop, bought some goodies at the Dollar Tree and had afternoon "desserts" at Applebee's. It was a wonderful time being with my mom and sis. Something tells me to enjoy times like that now, because after Baby Moose is born, I'm sure they'll happen less and less often.

My daddy has built me two changing tables for our son. One for his nursery and one to set up down stairs. I like the idea of having a "changing station" on both levels. That way, I won't have to run around trying to find what I need. If I stock them identically, hopefully, I will be able to avoid that inconvenience. And the fact that my daddy actually MADE them is awesome, too! Sure, we could've bought something, but his own craftsmanship makes it more special, to me. He plans to turn them into bookshelves when changing is no longer required. AWESOME!

Mr. Moose moved the computer stuff into our "office" this weekend. Now we can begin working on the nursery. I'm soooooooooooo bloody excited! There is a bookshelf and organizing system that still needs to be moved, but at least we've started. I can hardly believe it! YAY!

I went onto my friend LYNDA'S blog this morning. Seems Lily enjoys being tucked away inside her mommy and didn't make her grand entrance yesterday. I told Lynda what I've always heard: First babies are usually late and not to worry. I'm so anxious for them, though!

Well, the county fair comes to town Friday. I always enjoy going. We never ride the rides because we are winnies. I do like the Ferris Wheel, however. We always like to look at the exhibits, sign up for sweepstakes and sample the fair cuisine. This year, I hope we'll be able to attend with my parents and sister/brother-in-law. I can already tell I'll have to have several breaks, however. I get so winded here lately.

Baby Moose is getting stronger everyday. Sometimes he kicks me and it takes my breath away. I know the little bugger is only 2 1/2 lbs. and 14 inches long, but he's a tough one. I just know he'll be a linebacker one day! :D

I'm gonna go take a nap now. I am partial to resting alot now because I won't get to when our son arrives.

Have a great day, all!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Congratulations, Lynda!

My friend, Lynda, is due to give birth today!

I'm so excited!!
I know it will hurt like the devil, but she's a strong woman and I have no doubt Miss Lily Jean will be PERFECT!

Please pray for Lynda, Lily and their Daddy/Hubby, Miguel.

I'm so happy and excited for them! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hi There!

I apologize for not updating yesterday. Mr. Moose would not budge from the computer, so I'm having to update now, while he's at work. :)

My appointment went well yesterday. Baby Mooses's heartbeat is 140 beats/minute (which is well within normal range). My tummy is 22 inches and I've only gained 3 lbs. since my last visit. HURRAY!

My tummmy's swelling and Mr. Moose told me last night that I've never looked more precious. He is such a wonderful hubby and will be a great Daddy, I just know it!

My doctor told me I'll have to begin having 2-week appointments now, as opposed to the monthly appointments I have been having. (It's getting so close now!)

My next appointment (Oct. 8) I have to do a 1 hour glucose blood test. We will also be having our 4-D sonogram. I can hardly wait! Now I can convince Mr. Moose that our son DOES have his nose! Excited much! My parents are jazzed up, too. They will be attending the sonogram with us. YAY!

Last night, around 5:00, I had a craving for Kellog's Corn Pops cereal. Mr. Moose was forced to go to our neighborhood grocery store and grab me a box. I HAD to have them! I haven't had to many cravings, but, the Pops were a necessity. I had some last night and for breaky this morning. OH! They were SOOOOO good! :D

Well, I am not sure what all is on task for today. I know I'll be having lunch with my Daddy and that I need to fold some clothes. Otherwise, I suppose I'm pretty open. Guess I'll just "go with the flow".

Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Appointment Day

(An example of a 3 D sonogram)

I'm excited!

Today is OB appointment day. I believe I'll be able to schedule Baby Mooses's 3-D sonogram today. I'll let you know if I'm able to. (It's a little pricey, but well worth it, I believe!)

I will post whatever we find out later today. Wish us luck! YAY!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nightly Excursions

Last night I went to the potty so many times, I stopped counting after 12. I had a glass of water about 30 minutes before bed. Apparently that was a HUGE mistake!

Being pregnant has taken a toil on my sleeping pattern. I haven't slept through the night in almost 5 1/2 months. I know it will be even worse when Baby Moose is crying all night. Goodie!

I am going to have to have a nap today. Mr. Moose was concerned and told me to "take it easy" today. I think I will!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pics of My Weekend Goodies

This is a pic of 4 post cards that Lynda made for me. She's thinking of selling these and several more post cards made from images of her photography. Aren't they great?

This is a pic of the "Thank You" note she sent to me thanking me for some goodies I sent her for her unborn daughter. It has an oriental feel, don't you think?

The last pic is of Christmas scrapbooking items she recently obtained in an on-line swap. Lynda doesn't celebrate Christmas and she knows I scrapbook so she hooked me up! They are perfect.

Thank you, so much, Lynda for my goodies! You're a great pal! :D

Am I an Addict?

I think I'm addicted to exclamation points. I counted like, 10 or so, in my last post.

They're AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, again!

I have had an interesting few days.
Friday, I was boiling some potatoes for supper. I had forgotten how big my tummy has gotten. I touched my belly to the hot stove and now I have a little burn mark right above my ever-sinking navel. DUH! I really should've remembered how the belly has grown recently. Oh bother!
Saturday, Mr. Moose and I stayed home and "goofed off". Since we are saving every extra cent for the baby, going out isn't an option. I'd rather have nice things for our son, as opposed to going, going, going all the time. Plus, EVERYTHING is SO expensive now. At least it's cooling off a bit now and open windows are free as opposed to a constantly-running air conditioner. Hurray!
My friend LYNDA sent me some goodies in the mail Saturday. I'll post some pics of my loot a little later. (After my camera's battery charges up!) It was such a nice surprise receiving mail from her, even though she's due to give birth the 29th of this month! (I so feel for her!) Everyone please pray all goes well in the up-coming few weeks/months for her. Poor thing. I wish she didn't live so far away (California). I want to be there for her at this difficult time. I do so worry about her.
Yesterday, my parents, sister, brother-in-law, Mr. Moose and I visited my Grandfather at a local "rest home". He went for some rehab and so my Granmother could visit some of her family over in Georgia. He seemed happy and well-adjusted to his new surroundings. He arrived Friday and will be returning home Wednesday or Thursday, I think. He seemed very glad to see all of us. (including Baby Moose in my belly!)
Today, I plan on running some errands for Mr. Moose, checking out some baby stuff for our little one, cleaning out the closet here in the nursery and maybe having a nap. If I'm unable to do it all today, I'll do it tomorrow, if need be.
I promise to post some pics of my "Lynda Goodies", too!
Hope everyone has a blessed, happy day. See ya later, alligators!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Birthday Update....

Yesterday, I celebrated my best girlfriend's (Monica) birthday with her. We have been friends since 7th grade, so you know she's put up with my horrible mood swings, bad grades and the awkwardness of my "growing up" (we all go through this, right?).
Monica enjoys jewelry beading. It's a "hobby" that she is incredible at. So, for her special day, I got her a project book, several charms and 2 large beads. I also gave her a gift card and a friendship magnet. She told me she LOVED her goodies and I really think she did.
We had lunch at The Olive Garden and went to a matinee showing of The Women. I enjoyed them both! The food was yummilious and the movie was great. Seeing it with my best girlfriend made it even better.
Overall, yesterday with "Mony" was a wonderful experience. I love her soooooooooooooo much!
Today is her actual birthday. Her hubby took the day off from work to shower her with bunches of birthday surprises. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
I hope she has a wonderful birthday today and so do Mr. Moose and Baby Moose!
We love you, "Aunt" Mony-Ca!

My BF's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Monica!

I Love Yo' Sweet Self!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Tidbits

Well, it finally happened. Mr. Moose moved the cable from out of Baby Moose's room into our new office. I've been asking him to do it for a while and he finally did this weekend. ROCK! Now I can begin working on our son's nursery. YAY!

Yesterday, I hit my 6 month mark. I can tell Baby Moose is getting stronger. Sometimes he "kicks" me and it takes my breath away. Now I know what my friend LYNDA was referring to when she said her baby kicked her that hard. You know, mommies go through a ton even before we get here. I respect mothers in a whole new way now.

My friend Monica celebrates her b-day today. I plan on taking her out to lunch and going to see a movie with her. (The Women) I'm so excited! I love spending time with her. She's just like my sister.

Please say a prayer for my other friend, Lynda. Her daughter is due in about 2 weeks and she's not having a good time emotionally. We all need to remember how good we have it. If I was in the situation she is in, I wouldn't be as positive as she is. God bless her.

I'll post an update later today about Monica's birthday, etc. See you all then!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting Ready For Baby (Kitty-Style)

(No, this isn't our kitty. Mr. Moose won't let her on my bump.)
I read somewhere recently that it's important to introduce our kitty to Baby Moose as soon as we can. Since I can't remove him for her to sniff, I've taken to bathing in Baby wash, washing my hair with baby shampoo and moisturizing with baby oil and lotion. She can sniff me and hopefully become used to baby's sent before he gets here.

Keep your fingers crossed! We are going to try our best to make the transition from 2 to 3 as stress-free as possible for Moosey-Cat. I love her and want her around despite the newest addition to "The Funky Bunch".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Making Homemade Baby Food

Yesterday, my mom and & I went pittling about. We ALWAYS stop by the baby section in all stores we visit.

I saw the prices of some of the pre-packaged baby food in jars at the department stores we went to. I was surprised just how expensive those tiny jars of pureed food cost!

So, my mom suggested getting a small food processor and making my own baby food for our son. At least, she said, I'd know EXACTLY what I was feeding our little one.

I decided she was absolutely right (since she brought my sister and I up on homemade baby food!)

I plan on making up several pureed foods and putting them into microwavable/freezable storage containers. If I go ahead and do a little bit along before the baby arrives, I won't feel overwhelmed after he gets here.

I, of course, checked out "Baby Food Recipes" online and found the following website very helpful: WholesomeBabyFood.com

Now I need to find a way to make my own formula! :D

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nighty Night

Winnie the Pooh and Friends "Mobile"
A side view of Baby Moose's "cradle" in our livingroom

As promised, here are a few pics of Baby Moose's "cradle".

Do you like? I do! :D

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend, Mr. Moose promised to help me with our son's nursery. He now claims that he wants to wait until he gets his C-PAP machine so he'll know what to do we the mattress he sleeps on in the office, now. (Because he snores AND I disturb him when I get up 5+ times in the night to visit my new best friend, Mr. Potty!) Yet another weekend came and went without progress in Baby Moose's room. It's okay. I've made myself very clear that I will not be doing anything strenuous the last 8 to 10 weeks of my pregnancy. Mr. Moose better "get on the ball"!

Saturday evening I got a migraine headache. I tossed my cookies twice and felt genuinely horrible. I layed around all day yesterday (Sunday), but still feel "hungover". I hope I don't get another one. They suck BIG TIME! I'm still not over it and it's Monday, for goodness sake!

My momma suggested it may have come on because I was upset about the nursery. Who knows? Any who, my daddy brought his extention ladder by after church yesterday. Now my hub has "no excuse" but to run a new cable for this computer into the office. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed!)

They also brought us a "cradle" to use downstairs. I will post a pic of it later today, hopefully. It was given to them by their pastor's daughter, whose daughter "outgrew" it. It's a dark wood, swinging cradle. It will be so conveient to use while our son's tiny enough to sleep in it. Having him with me no matter where I am (and not having to worry about dropping him while climbing stairs) is a load off my mind! It even came with a "Winnie the Pooh" moblie-type thingy. Cute! I am so jazzed!

I'm also stoked because my hubby FINALLY felt our son move yesterday. I've been feeling him from the inside for a while, but Mr. Moose felt him "kick" yesterday afternoon. It was a great experience, for all of us. YAY!

Well, my beloved Indianapolis Colts lost to the Chicago Bears last night. I finally gave up (which I don't do!) after the third quarter. I mean, what's the deal? Lotsa injuries last night, though. And Peyton's back but not like his "usual" self. It was a sucky end to a sucky day.

However, the University of Alabama, our college team, DID win Saturday. That was a great thing. They beat Tulane and we listened to it on the radio.

Well, that's it for now. I'll post a pic of our cradle this afternoon, hopefully!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nightly Visits

Last night I got up 5 times to go to the bathroom. Mr. Moose has just stopped sleeping in our bed because I'm constantly up and down (AND he snores, too!)

I guess I'll be all ready when Baby Moose cries during the night because I haven't slept through the night in months!

It can be a real bummer, but it's my normal now. Go figure.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Tidbits

Well, I can honestly say this Labor Day weekend was great. Mr. Moose and I had a great time. We worked on the nursery, grilled out and had some "snuggle times". I feel so relaxed and refreshed. Even though I was, and am still, concerned about our neighbors in Louisiana, I was able to relax and enjoy the long weekend.

Our Internet went out Friday night after midnight, so Mr. Moose was unable to "surf" all weekend. I was also unable to check email, update this blog or anything else via the World Wide Web. Bummer. However, this was more than likely the reason we were able to focus on each other this weekend, as opposed to this machine. Ya think?

My friend
LYNDA has been feeling "under the weather" lately. I so hope she feels better soon. She's due to deliver her first child October 1. Being sick while giving birth has to suck big time. My prayers are with her for a speedy recovery.

Speaking of feeling "ya-ya", but head is aching today. It must be the barometric pressure left-over from Gustav. It's not really bad. Just annoying. I've taken a "baby safe" med to help ward it off. Hopefully, it will take a hint! :)

Okay, I'm out. I will probably be back a little later. Who knows?

Ciao for now!