Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy, Happy Joy, Joy!

I am sooooo stoked!

Baby Moose actually cooperated today and we got his 4-D ultrasound. When the technician pressed on my belly and we saw his face for the first time, I wept like crazy.

He looks like his Daddy to me. Handsome as can be. Such a sweet, wonderful blessing he is, ALREADY!

Mr. Moose and my father were present during the ultrasound. (And Baby Moose & I, of course!) The feeling I had knowing the most important men in my life were in there with me (My husband, father AND son) is a feeling like no other. Needless to say, I felt out-numbered! :D

My obstetrician said everything is going splendidly. My weight and vitals are perfect. The glucose test was negative. My urine was okay as was my belly size. "Everything is going perfect." (<--his own words.) This is such a wonderful thing to hear. We couldn't be happier.

If you can afford a 4-D ultrasound and it is offered to you, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's an experience like no other, I guarantee it!

After Mr. Moose scans Baby Moose's pictures in, I promise to post a few. It's so amazing and surreal to know that little person is inside my belly.

Well, I need to go. My parents and sissy/her hubby are coming over to give me my birthday gifts in a little while. I, of course, need to straighten up a bit before they arrive.

Ciao for now!