I can hardly believe Mr. Moose and I are 36 weeks pregnant. I'm actually going to be a Mommy! Can you believe it?!?! The time has just flown by and now I'm kinda dreading loosing my "little visitor".
Last night we practiced some Lamaze techniques in the livingroom floor. This morning, I looked on my calender and we only have, like 3 weeks and a few days until Baby Moose's due date. The thing is, he could conceivably come at anytime now. That's kind of surreal to me, you know?
I need to make a list of folks to call when I go into labor, finish our birthing plan, pack the remaining items in our "birth bag" and get things ready for my son's arrival. Gosh! I need to get on the ball!
What a strange, wonderful, surreal trip it's been.
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