Thursday, December 4, 2008

Work Baby Shower

Yesterday, at 3:00, Mr. Moose's co-workers threw us a baby shower for our son.

We received clothes, diapers, books, bibs, hoodies, onesies, toys, gift cards, money and a bassinet. There is another man and his wife who are expecting their first child, a daughter, in January. So we had a co-shower. Baby Moose is so spoiled, already!

It was so nice. There were pink and blue decorations everywhere. We had cake, fruit, cheese/crackers, nuts, mints and punch. It was so sweet, literally!

I never knew Mr. Moose had such a positive and wonderful impact at his job. (What am I saying? He's great no matter where he is!)

It was wonderful and despite having a migraine yesterday morning, it was so much fun.

Thanks, so much, to everyone at the State Department!!!