Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Tree Scrapbook Update...

I mailed out some "info sheets" to my family and Mr. Moose's. Hopefully, I will begin getting them back soon.
I knew most of the information already, I just wanted to verify what I have.
I'm also considering having a few pages dedicated to any letters or words anyone wants to write to Baby Moose. This will give his book a "Personal Touch", you know?
Sadly, Some of Mr. Moose's family members pages won't have pics, because he has an Aunt who refuses to allow us to make copies of family photos. What sense does that make? I mean, I don't want the originals, I just want to make copies. Go figure. She's that way and I feel sorry everyone in our family is missing out because she's so dern greedy.
Any who, I've begun make the front page for Baby Moose's book. I think it will turn out nice. I'm so jazzed about it, already.
Wish me luck!


lslslslslsls said...

You inspire me once again. :D I love the idea of sending out info sheets to gather what you need for Ben's family tree scrapbook. That's unfortunate that you are unable to get a hold of the other photos you need. I don't see what's wrong with copying them. Maybe she's afraid something will happen to them if they are not in their possession. Still its an innocent request. I hope you'll show off your work when you have completed it. I would love to see what you have done. :D

MommaBoo said...

Of course I'll share my work with you. Besides, you always say the nicest things about my little projects! :D