Thursday, August 28, 2008

Random Rambles

I'm am so frustrated!

It took me nearly 2 hours to get onto the Internet this morning!

Sometimes it's "slow" to connect when it's rained a good deal. Which it has because of Tropical Storm Fay.

Also, we have a "baby appointment" today at 1:15. No doubt I'll have to provide a urine specimen. I always do. Wonder what my doc will do today? I'll update you all a little later today when I catch hubby off the computer!

Have a good day, all!


lslslslslsls said...

Wow, Fay is still around huh? I don't think that I have ever noticed the internet being slower when it rains. Although it may be different with DSL than it is with cable internet. I have yet to see how my cable internet holds up to the coming rain in October.

MommaBoo said...

We have cable internet, but the line they ran for us is constantly getting cut by the groundskeeper. They NEVER bury the line deep enough....Go Figure!

lslslslslsls said...

Gee, I wonder why they don't try attaching the line around the top of the house. Has that been tried? That's what they did to ours, but there's a small hole in the wall now where the wire comes through. Oh, and what is a groundskeeper?

MommaBoo said...

We live in a condominium complex, so wires outside are not allowed. You're right, this would more than likely fix the problem. Great thinking!

As for a groundskeeper, he is a gentleman that cuts our grass, trims limbs and prunes the landscaping. We are not responsible for this because we all own the "common areas" equally. We merely pay a monthly fee and he does the "outside" work for us. It cuts down on confusion and the off-chance one person would be forced to do more yard work than someone else. (Hope this clears up any questions you may have had!)