Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Gosh, I'm tired and ill today. I don't even want to be around myself!

I got up and went to the potty 12 times last night. I've limited my fluid intake after 7:30 p.m., but that does not help!

I get Braxton Hicks contractions irregularly, I also get leg cramps, I can barely roll over in the bed, I keep a headache, I'm starving ALL THE TIME!, my back has broken out in little bumps and itches constantly, my balance has all but disappeared AND I feel like a blimp.

Funny, I didn't know being preggie made one's life so "crap"tacular. It's definitely worth it, though.

Baby Moose is worth EVERYTHING!

Now go have a wonderful hump day, 'cos I said so! (I'm going to go cry a little now.)