Monday, September 22, 2008

Hello, again!

I have had an interesting few days.
Friday, I was boiling some potatoes for supper. I had forgotten how big my tummy has gotten. I touched my belly to the hot stove and now I have a little burn mark right above my ever-sinking navel. DUH! I really should've remembered how the belly has grown recently. Oh bother!
Saturday, Mr. Moose and I stayed home and "goofed off". Since we are saving every extra cent for the baby, going out isn't an option. I'd rather have nice things for our son, as opposed to going, going, going all the time. Plus, EVERYTHING is SO expensive now. At least it's cooling off a bit now and open windows are free as opposed to a constantly-running air conditioner. Hurray!
My friend LYNDA sent me some goodies in the mail Saturday. I'll post some pics of my loot a little later. (After my camera's battery charges up!) It was such a nice surprise receiving mail from her, even though she's due to give birth the 29th of this month! (I so feel for her!) Everyone please pray all goes well in the up-coming few weeks/months for her. Poor thing. I wish she didn't live so far away (California). I want to be there for her at this difficult time. I do so worry about her.
Yesterday, my parents, sister, brother-in-law, Mr. Moose and I visited my Grandfather at a local "rest home". He went for some rehab and so my Granmother could visit some of her family over in Georgia. He seemed happy and well-adjusted to his new surroundings. He arrived Friday and will be returning home Wednesday or Thursday, I think. He seemed very glad to see all of us. (including Baby Moose in my belly!)
Today, I plan on running some errands for Mr. Moose, checking out some baby stuff for our little one, cleaning out the closet here in the nursery and maybe having a nap. If I'm unable to do it all today, I'll do it tomorrow, if need be.
I promise to post some pics of my "Lynda Goodies", too!
Hope everyone has a blessed, happy day. See ya later, alligators!